This is my attempt at the starting menus you would encounter when beginning a game. You are usually presented with a splash menu with a "Press Start to Play" type message, which then brings you to the menu containing the options of playing the game, modifying game settings, or exiting the game completely.
I attempted to get the scene to show properly, but set scene, remove scene, and suspend scene all failed to actually remove the title menu scene from the view. I spoke with Professor Erlebacher about this, and he said he would look into the .blend file to determine why it was not working.
This should be the screen that the player encounters when starting the game.
This is the title menu, which will lead the player directly into the game. For the purposes of my program, it is likely that there will not be an actual options menu, but it was included to demonstrate the variety that the Main Menu can have.
Additionally, this week I have split off from my group and am working as an individual. My game is going to be very different mechanically from theirs and should provide an interesting set of challenges for me. I have finalized the concept of the game, created concept art and maps, have downloaded resources to modify to fit within the game, done an initial model of one of the two game maps, and am working on creating more complete character models that will be used in the game and posters.
Link to the .blend file : Here
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